Pulmonary Function Testing
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) determine how well your lungs work. They determine how much air goes into and out of your lungs, how much air goes from your lungs to your blood and how well your lungs work during exercise. Your healthcare provider will contact you a few days later with your results.
What are Pulmonary Function Tests?
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) include different kinds of breathing tests that measure how well your lungs exchange air. Your lungs help you take air in (inhale) and breathe air out (exhale).
There are many different types of PFTs. Some also measure how well your lungs absorb oxygen into your blood and how exercise affects your lungs.
PFTs are safe and don’t require a healthcare provider to put any tools or instruments inside your body (noninvasive).
How to prepare for a pulmonary function test?
Before your pulmonary function testing, your healthcare provider may ask you to:
- Stop taking your breathing medicines for a short period.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing that doesn’t squeeze your chest.
- Avoid any heavy exercise before your test.
- Avoid using tobacco products before your test.
These precautions will help ensure that you get accurate results from your PFT.

How long does a pulmonary function test take?
A PFT may take between 15 and 45 minutes to complete. Let the healthcare provider know if you get tired during your test. You can take breaks in between parts of the test.
Is pulmonary function testing painful?
No, pulmonary function testing isn’t painful.
What should I expect after pulmonary function testing?
After testing, you may restart any medicines your healthcare provider told you to stop taking. You can also return to your usual activities, including exercise. If you felt dizzy or lightheaded during the test, the healthcare provider will monitor you until your symptoms go away and you can go home. The healthcare provider will tell you when to expect your test results.
What are the risks of pulmonary function testing?
Pulmonary function testing is safe. But you may feel dizzy, lightheaded or tired from breathing so deeply. You may also cough from blowing into the mouthpiece or feel tired from exercising. These symptoms should go away shortly after you complete the PFT. Let the healthcare provider know if you need a break during testing.