In-Office Services
We perform all non-invasive modalities of ultrasound including Venous and Arterial Doppler studies, Echocardiograms, Abdominal, Pelvic, Carotid Artery, and Small Parts (Thyroid, Breast, Testicular). All ultrasound techs are ARDMS or CCI credentialed.

Fully digital x-rays are performed on the latest state-of-the-art portable TXR Dragon X-Ray digital equipment. This means hospital grade images are obtained in the comfort of the patient’s home or room. All exams are instantly viewable on the connected laptop and sent immediately to our Radiologists. Results and images are available online within the hour. Images and a cloud based one-time viewing option are also available to all patients free of charge. All technologists are ARRT licensed as well as licensed through the state of California RT(R). We also Level 2 background screen all technologists to ensure patient peace of mind.
3D/4D Ultrasounds
We provide the highest standards for elective ultrasound facilities. Equipped with the latest technology in the market our studio offers 2d sonography, 3D ultrasound & also 4D ultrasound with HD Live included. All sessions are done in a very comfortable room for expectants and their families to enjoy the experience.

Holter Monitor Testing
We provide 24 Hour Holter Monitor Tests using a small, easy to carry recorder that is comfortable enough to fit in your pocket. All Holter monitors are equipped with an “Event” button that allows patients to digitally time stamp any abnormal feelings, arrhythmias, pain, etc leading to precise cardiologist reports. All studies are interpreted by our Board-Certified Cardiologists. Holter Monitor testing must be scheduled in advance.
Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)
The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a simple, non-invasive test comparing blood pressure in your ankle to blood pressure in your arm. This indicates how well blood is flowing in your limbs but does not reveal which blood vessels are narrowed or blocked. Blood pressures are taken at rest and after approximately five minutes of walking on a treadmill. These measurements can determine the effectiveness of treatment or the disease progression of PAD.

Sacramento Imaging uses self-interpreting machines that are regularly calibrated for accuracy. EKG tests are performed at the bedside and results are instantly provided upon completion of the study. We also offer cardiologist over-reads by local, independently contracted cardiologists if desired.
Bone Density
With our Achilles Bone Densitometry equipment, we are able to perform non-invasive BD screenings within the comfort of the patient’s room. This examination verifies the “T” score on each patient allowing appropriate treatment for osteopenia or advanced osteoporosis.

Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) or lung function tests is a generic term used to indicate a battery of studies or maneuvers that may be performed using standardized equipment to measure lung function.
Complete List Of Services
For a complete list of all Diagnostic Imaging services we offer, click the button below
We are proud to provide our patients with the latest diagnostic technology, with results provided to your physician in a timely manner. Sacramento Imaging offers a wide range of tests in different modalities such as:
- General X-RAY
- Interventional Radiology
- Ultrasound
- Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Mammography
- Echocardiography
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Neurologist Consultation
- Nerve Conduction Studies & EMG
- Vestibular Function Tests
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Evoked Potentials
- Injectable Therapies
- 3D/4D
- Fetal Sex DNA Test
- Laboratory Services
An X-ray, or a radiograph, is a medical imaging technique that uses radiation, in the form of X-rays, to produce a two-dimensional, medically diagnostic image.
Our high-performance X-ray machines are great in assessing fractures, cardiac contours, spine, the lungs and soft tissue.
What happens during my x-ray?
A Radiographer (Medical Imaging technologist) will call out your name in our waiting room and guide you to the examination room. A detailed explanation of the procedure will be given to you, including any changing instructions, positioning and breathing instructions.
During your X-ray examination, it is of high importance that you remain as still as possible and listen very carefully for any breathing instructions. As any movement during the X-ray will result in a blurry X-ray image, which may have to be repeated.
After the X-ray images are taken, the radiographer will assess them to ensure they are of a high diagnostic quality. Occasionally, further X-ray images are taken to ensure sufficient information is included. Once your X-ray examination is complete, the X-ray images are sent to our Radiologist (Specialist doctors), who carefully review the images and produce a report that is sent to your referring doctor. The report will include any findings or diagnoses.
How long will it take?
Typically, an x-ray examination can take between 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the body part and the reason your doctor has requested the scan.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes, appointment is required for an X-ray examination
How much does it cost?
At Sacramento Imaging, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver high quality and accessible services within the health system using Bulk billing. This means that there will be no out of pocket expense for your X-ray examination if you have a Medicare card and a doctor’s referral with you. As it will be bulk-billed
I have a referral to a different radiology service? Can I use this referral at Sacrament Imaging?
If you have a referral to another imaging practice or organization, we can still assist you as we put you, the patient first, and accept all referrals. If in doubt, please seek advice from your referring medical professional.
How do I prepare for my X-ray?
No specific preparation instructions are required for your X-ray examination. However, remember to bring your request form or referral letter from your doctor to our clinic, as an X-ray cannot be taken without it.
Depending on the X-ray examination, you may be provided with a gown to wear instead of your own clothes. This is because metal, such as zips, clips, watches, keys, coins, jewelry or metal in the clothing materials and prints itself will show up on the X-ray image. You may also be provided with a special lead lined apron or a small lead-shield may be placed on body-areas not requiring an X-ray.
Please inform the Radiographer if there is any chance you might be pregnant.
X-rays are considered safe, and doses used are unlikely to cause any risks. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation and we are exposed to some level of radiation in our everyday life.
To put things in perspective, a single chest X-ray image is typically equivalent to 10 days of normal background radiation.
The risks associated with ionizing radiation includes:
A small increase in the risk of developing cancer. This low risk is outweighed by the benefit of the scan itself.
A small risk of malformation or cancer to an unborn child if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy during the scan.
What are the risks of an X-ray?
X-rays are considered safe, and doses used are unlikely to cause any risks. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation, and we are exposed to some level of radiation in our everyday life.
To put things in perspective, a single chest X-ray image is typically equivalent to 10 days of normal background radiation.
The risks associated with ionizing radiation includes:
A small increase in the risk of developing cancer. This low risk is outweighed by the benefit of the scan itself.
A small risk of malformation or cancer to an unborn child if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy during the scan
How do I receive my results?
Our specialist radiologists will report the findings of the scans and send them to your doctor within 48 hours. It is very important to follow up with your doctor so that they can explain the results to you.
A bone densitometry scan, also known as a DEXA , is an imaging test that measures the bone mineral density (BMD). This scan can be useful to help detect your risk of osteoporosis (bone loss) and fractures.
Why am I getting a BMD?
The bone densitometry scan assesses the density of your bones to determine if they are brittle. The scan is mainly used to determine if you have osteoporosis, which is the medical term for brittle bones. Osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures and diagnosing this early can help your doctor manage the problem to reduce this risk in a timely manner.
It may be that you have had some fractures that wouldn’t normally occur in normal bone, or you have an underlying medical condition or are on medications that predispose you to developing brittle bones, and your doctor wishes to evaluate your bone strength in more detail.
How do I prepare for a BMD?
There is no specific preparation required for this scan.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid clothing with any metal accessories such as buttons, belts or zippers as these can affect the quality of the image. You will be provided with a gown if required.
Please inform staff of the following:
If there is any chance you may be pregnant. If so you will be unsuitable for a DEXA scan due to the small dose of radiation that is used.
If you have had any procedures or have any implants in these areas, please let the radiographer know. The hips or spine are normally scanned during this test.
What happens during a BMD?
When you arrive, your height and weight will be measured. These parameters are important in determining your bone density.
You will be taken into the examination room by your radiographer (imaging technologist).
You will be instructed to lie down in a specific position in order to scan the hips and spine. A cushion box will be placed under your knees when scanning the spine, or an object placed between your feet when scanning the hip. A velcro strap may be used to keep your ankles or knees in place. This helps to achieve an optimal position required for the scan.
There should be no pain or discomfort during the scan.
How long does a BMD scan take?
A BMD scan takes 10-15 minutes.
When do I get my results?
Our specialist radiologists will report the findings of the scans and send them to your doctor within 48 hours. It is very important to follow up with your doctor so that they can explain the results to you.
Interventional radiology is an area of medicine that specializes in using imaging and interventions to diagnose and manage diseases.
What are the types of interventional radiology procedures?
There are a number of interventional procedures performed at Vision Radiology. Ongoing advances in technology means that the list keeps growing and includes the following:
Corticosteroid injections
Local anesthetic injection
Platelet injections
How do I prepare for an interventional procedure?
Instructions specific to your procedure will be provided to you.
Please inform staff at the time of booking if you are taking any blood thinners or are allergic to anything.
If you have any previous scans, please bring these along to your appointment.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing to allow for easy access for the procedure.
List of procedures
Facet joint injection
A facet joint injection is a treatment that aims to stop pain stemming from an arthritic or inflamed facet joint. This is achieved by injecting cortisone to reduce the inflammation and can provide pain relief from 3-6 months.
Epidural Injection
Epidural injections are performed to treat back pain, sciatica, or spinal canal stenosis. The aim is to reduce the pain by injecting cortisone within the epidural space. This commonly is performed in the lumbar spine.
Nerve root injection
Nerve root injections are commonly performed in patients who suffer from neurological symptoms such as radiculopathy or sciatica, pins and needles or numbness down the arms and legs. A cortisone injection helps reduce the inflammation in the nerve root and will often reduce the pain.
Hydro dilation Injection
A hydro dilatation injection is commonly performed in patients with adhesive capsulitis also known as frozen shoulder. This is done by injecting a combination of local anesthetic, cortisone and saline solution into the glenohumeral joint. The aim of this is to improve range of movement and reduce overall pain.
Joint injections
A joint injection is commonly performed in patients with inflammation of the joint, such as synovitis. Injecting local anesthetic followed by cortisone can provide pain relief and reduce the overall inflammation of the joint. This is commonly conducted in the hip, knee and shoulder joint.
Bursal Injections
A bursal injection is conducted by injecting local anesthetic followed by cortisone into the bursa space to reduce inflammation and provide relief for bursitis. This is most often done in the trochanteric bursa of the hip and the subacromial bursa of the shoulder but can also be performed in the bursa of the elbow and knee.
Ganglion and Baker cyst aspiration
Cysts are a collection of fluids. A ganglion cyst is a swelling seen over tendons and joints and a Baker’s cyst, also known as a popliteal cyst, is found behind the knee. Sometimes the cysts can become enlarged or painful. An aspiration procedure is done to remove fluid from these cysts.
Tendon sheath injections
A tendon sheath is a strong fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone and when the muscle contracts, the sheath helps to bend the joint. In some conditions, the tendon sheath can become swollen and painful. A tendon sheath injection involves injecting steroid medication into the area to help relieve the pain and swelling and improve the range of movement of the joint.
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
A fine needle aspiration is a type of biopsy in which a small needle is used to collect a sample of tissue from an area of concern. The tissue is then sent to the laboratory for further testing. FNAs are most often done on swellings or lumps under the skin and they are helpful in diagnosing what the underlying tissue contains, and in particular, to rule out cancer.
Core biopsy.
A core biopsy involves using a hollow needle to collect a sample of tissue from an area of concerns. It is more invasive than an FNA as the needle is larger. The tissue sample is then sent to the laboratory for examination by a specialist. Core biopsies are helpful in diagnosing suspicious lumps and bumps and to rule out cancer.
An ultrasound is a safe, painless diagnostic imaging procedure that does not use radiation. Ultrasound utilizes high frequency sound waves to produce real time diagnostic images of the soft tissues within the body. An ultrasound is performed using a handheld device called a transducer, which is moved across the body part of interest in order to acquire the images. The transducer transmits sound waves into the body and then they are reflected to the transducer from the different tissues within the body. The ultrasound machine converts the reflected sound waves into an image of the body part being scanned.
Who performs an ultrasound?
An ultrasound is a safe, painless diagnostic imaging procedure that does not use radiation. Ultrasound utilizes high frequency sound waves to produce real time diagnostic images of the soft tissues within the body. An ultrasound is performed using a handheld device called a transducer, which is moved across the body part of interest in order to acquire the images. The transducer transmits sound waves into the body and then they are reflected back to the transducer from the different tissues within the body. The ultrasound machine converts the reflected sound waves into an image of the body part being scanned.
What happens during an ultrasound?
At the start of your ultrasound, the sonographer will welcome you into the ultrasound room and introduce themselves. They will confirm your details and ask you a few questions about the reason for your scan. The procedure will be explained to you and you will have the opportunity to ask questions if you have any. You will be asked to take a seat or lie down on the scanning bed and expose the area of the body to be scanned. A gown or sheet will be provided for privacy if required. A water based gel will be placed on the skin and the transducer will move over the skin while images are being acquired. You may be asked to perform different maneuvers during your scan to improve the quality of the images. Such maneuvers might include holding your breath or changing your position on the bed. An ultrasound is not a painful examination. If you experience any discomfort during your scan please inform the sonographer and they will make an attempt to make it more comfortable for you.
Occasionally the radiologist will also attend the examination. This enables them to view the images in real time. They may also ask questions about your symptoms.
How long does an ultrasound take?
The duration of an ultrasound depends on the body part being scanned. An ultrasound can take up to 30 minutes, however, in some instances, it may take longer depending on the complexity of the examination or the area that needs to be covered. You can confirm how long your ultrasound will take when you make your appointment.
Do I need an appointment for an ultrasound?
It is necessary to make an appointment for most ultrasounds and we will endeavor to find a time that is convenient for you.
There are some ultrasounds that are considered medically urgent. You do not require a booking for an ultrasound if your doctor has referred you for one of the following indications:
Suspected deep or superficial vein thrombosis (DVT or SVT)
Suspected ovarian torsion
Suspected ectopic pregnancy
Suspected testicular torsion
Suspected acutely ischaemic limb
Bleeding in pregnancy
If you have been referred for the above reasons, this is considered an urgent scan. Please contact your closest Vision Radiology clinic and we will accommodate your scan on the same day. Your results will be sent back to your doctor within an hour of the examination.
Why have I been referred for an ultrasound?
Ultrasound can be used for screening, diagnosis or to help plan treatment. Ultrasound is useful for assessing various soft tissues and organs within the body including:
Muscles, tendons, ligaments and some peripheral nerves
Superficial lumps
Blood vessels and the blood flow within them
Abdominal organs such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas
Pelvic organs such as the uterus and ovaries
Urinary tract including the kidneys, bladder and prostate
Superficial organs such as the thyroid, testicles and breast
Ultrasound can be used to help guide injections or to guide biopsies to the correct place.
Ultrasound can be performed at various stages during pregnancy. In the first trimester, ultrasounds can be performed to determine the gestational age, pregnancy location and viability. Ultrasounds to assess foetal anatomy can be performed at 13 weeks and 20 weeks gestation. Additional ultrasounds may be required in certain circumstances, as requested by your doctor.
Ultrasound is not able to image bone or lungs and has limited applications scanning bowel. This is because the ultrasound is unable to penetrate through bone or tissues that are filled with air.
How do I prepare for an ultrasound?
There some important things to remember when attending your ultrasound appointment:
Bring your referral letter from your doctor
Bring any previous ultrasound, x-ray, CT or MR results if they were performed at another location
Wear comfortable clothing so that the area being imaged can be easily accessed by the sonographer. Leave jewellery and valuables at home
Follow any instructions that you have been given by our staff, particular to the type of scan you are having performed.
A list of specific ultrasound preparations can be found below.
Abdominal ultrasound
Please fast for six hours prior to your scan. This means no eating, chewing, drinking or smoking. Fasting improves the accuracy of the scan and minimizes bowel gas that can obstruct the view of the organ being examined. Furthermore, fasting ensures that the gallbladder is fully distended and permits optimum visualisation.
If you need to take regular medications, you can do so with a small amount of water. Diabetics, please contact the clinic for specific instructions.
Renal ultrasound
You are required to attend with an uncomfortably full bladder.
One hour prior to your scan please empty your bladder, then drink 1 liter of water. Keep your bladder full and do not empty until after your scan. This allows optimum visualization of your bladder and the surrounding structures.
Female pelvic ultrasound
You are required to attend with an uncomfortably full bladder.
One hour prior to your scan please empty your bladder, then drink 1 liter of water. Keep your bladder full and do not empty until after your scan. This allows optimum visualization of your uterus, ovaries and the surrounding structures.
There are two ways a pelvic ultrasound can be performed: transabdominal (external) or transvaginal (internal). The two methods will be discussed in detail at your appointment and you have a choice about what is the appropriate method for you. There are certain situations where a transvaginal ultrasound will not be offered, for example in children, or where women may decide not to have one. Women are able to request a female sonographer to perform their scan and we ask that you inform our staff of your preference at the time you make your booking.
A full bladder is essential. The ultrasound transducer is placed over the lower abdomen to image the uterus, ovaries and surrounding structures.
This approach provides the most detailed view of the pelvic organs. It is done by inserting a long, narrow ultrasound transducer into the vagina. The transducer will be covered with a protective covering and lubricated with gel. The transducer is moved around gently whilst the images are being taken. Most women would not find a transvaginal ultrasound painful.
Verbal and written consent is obtained prior to commencing a transvaginal ultrasound. You will also be asked to empty your bladder before starting.
A transvaginal ultrasound is best performed on day 5-10 of the menstrual cycle, unless indicated otherwise.
Pregnancy ultrasound
There is no preparation required for pregnancy ultrasounds.
Dating ultrasounds are best performed from 6 weeks.
First trimester anatomy ultrasounds are best performed at 13 weeks.
Second trimester morphology ultrasounds are best performed at 20 weeks.
Ultrasounds may also be requested at other stages throughout your pregnancy to monitor progress or screen for complications. Your doctor will provide you with individual advice according to your circumstances.
Vascular ultrasound, including aorta, leg arteries and renal arteries
Please fast for six hours prior to the scan. This means nothing to eat until after the scan is complete. The reason for this is to minimize the amount of gas in the bowel that can obscure the view of the blood vessels being imaged. A small amount of water is ok.
Interventional ultrasound
If you are having an injection, biopsy or fine needle aspiration under ultrasound guidance you will be given instructions specific to your intervention when you make your appointment. Please contact our reception staff if you have any questions about your procedure.
Other ultrasounds including musculoskeletal, breast, thyroid and testicular
There is no preparation required.
Pediatric ultrasounds
Please contact us for special instructions to ensure that your child’s ultrasound is performed in an age appropriate manner.
What are the risks of having an Ultrasound?
There are no risks associated with an ultrasound examination. It is a simple and safe test.
Where do I get my results?
Our radiologists (imaging specialist doctor) will view your images and write a report as soon as possible. Reports are sent to your referring doctor and are available within 48 hours. Make an appointment with your referring doctor to discuss the results of your scan.
Sports & Musculoskeletal Imaging
Sports Imaging is the branch of radiology which caters for athletes of all shapes and sizes, ranging from the Olympic competitor, national footballer, serious marathon runner, recreational jogger and people who simply wish to improve their general fitness. Sports Imaging focuses on Musculoskeletal Imaging and interventional techniques.
Sporting injuries are generally divided into two main groups:
Those which are due to overuse i.e. repetitive action, such as tendinosis, arthritis and stress fractures.
Those which are traumatic, such as a shoulder dislocation, or fracture
Sacramento Imaging have radiologists that are experts in this field. Expertise includes musculoskeletal ultrasound, musculoskeletal MRI and pain management interventional techniques.
Sacramento Imaging combines state of the art technology and experience to deliver images and protocols giving each patient and their referrer the best possible imaging and diagnosis in this specialised field.

Digital breast tomosynthesis (tomo), more commonly known as 3D mammography, is used in combination with 2D digital mammography. An x-ray arm sweeps over the breast, taking multiple images in just seconds. A computer then produces a 3D image of your breast tissue in one millimeter layers. This allows our radiologists to examine the tissue one thin layer at a time, in a sense traveling through the structure of the breast like pages of a book. Fine details are more visible and are less likely to be hidden by overlapping tissue. A screening mammogram is a routine exam for women who have no sign or symptoms of breast disease. Women do not need a written referral from a health care provider for this exam. However, your health care provider will be sent a final report detailing your exam results. Screening mammography is recommended every year for women, beginning at age 40. Mammography plays a central part in early detection of breast cancer because it can often detect potential problems before they can be felt. This early detection greatly increases treatment options and the likelihood of a successful recovery. A diagnostic mammogram is used to evaluate breast problems or concerns—such as a breast mass, palpable lump, nipple discharge, unusual breast pain, or skin changes—and does require a referral from your health care provider. Diagnostic mammograms may also be used to investigate potential abnormalities discovered on a screening mammogram.
Sacramento Imaging Medical Care Neurologist Consultation
We maintain urgent appointments for patients requiring rapid assessment if specifically requested by the referring doctor. In general, a phone call or fax / email with the reasons for urgency is required to allow us to prioritize individual patients.
What Should I Expect at My First Consultation?
You should allow approximately 40 minutes for you first Neurological assessment. However, each individual receives specialized treatment and as a result consultation times will vary from person to person.
What Should I Bring to My Appointment?
You will need to bring a letter of referral from your GP or treating specialist. This referral means that you can then claim the full Medicare rebate for the cost of your consultation. A referral also gives the Neurologist your general medical history. If you are traveling from a regional area it is often useful to send us your referral in advance. It is also necessary for you to bring any previous MRI films and reports you may have along with any previous pathology results. Please bring both the films/discs and the report, not just the report, and do not rely on a previous doctor who has the films to send them – bring them yourself to make sure they are there with you.
Sacramento Imaging & Medical Care offers a full range of nerve and muscle diagnostic tests. These include tests for carpal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, muscle disorders and myasthenia gravis. Reports are generally available on the day of testing
Nerve conduction studies and EMG (electromyography) are special tests performed by our Neurologists and neurophysiologists. Their purpose is to determine whether a patient’s nerves and muscles are functioning properly. By placing small electrodes on the skin (and occasionally a tiny needle in muscles), a neurologist can examine the electrical properties of both nerves and muscles. This test is invaluable for picking up damage and dysfunction that cannot be detected through routine neurological examination.
In the hands of a well-trained and experienced electromyographer it is straightforward, easily tolerated, and very useful. Please let the doctor know if you have a pacemaker or are on warfarin prior to the test.
What Should I Bring to My Appointment?
Your doctor should provide you with a referral letter to bring with you on the day of your appointment requesting the test(s) to be performed. If you have been referred for a full neurological consultation as well as a nerve conduction test please mention this to the receptionist when booking your appointment. The length of time required for the nerve conduction test will depend on exactly what type of study you require but you should expect to be here for approximately 1 hour. After the test has been performed your results will be forwarded directly to your doctor or if you wish you can take a copy for yourself.
Please DO NOT apply body lotion or moisturizer to hands, arms or legs on the day of the test.
Why Do I Need Nerve Conduction Studies?
Nerve conduction studies and EMG are useful in the diagnosis of:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Muscle disorders
Neuromuscular junction disorders such as myasthenia gravis
Radiculopathy (nerve root damage)
Motor neurone disease
EEG studies, performed by our Electrophysiologist, involve strategically placing electrodes onto the patients scalp to measure the brain’s electrical activity. Both routine and 1-hour prolonged EEG studies are performed at Sydney Neurology. EEG is essential in the study of blackouts, dizzy spells and other symptoms where epilepsy is a potential diagnosis. EEG also provides important information about brain function and brain rhythms which cannot be obtained from brain scans. Reports are generally available within 48 hours of test completion.
How Should I Prepare for My EEG?
Before coming to your appointment please ensure you either bring your referral with you to or have your doctor fax it to our reception staff in advance. We request you do have clean hair for your test without the addition of any sprays or gels as these products can hinder the ability to accurately measure your brains activity.
EEG is useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of the following:
Confusion states
Injectable therapies can be used to reduce abnormal contractions of muscles. Dr Fred Samimi is subspecialized in movement disorders and an expert in the administration of these agents.
Injectable therapies are effective in treating a variety of neurological conditions including:
Cervical dystonia / spasmodic torticollis
Hemifacial spasm
Spasticity following stroke
Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
Prophylaxis of chronic migraine
Please note that treatment for chronic migraine is only administered according to the following criteria:
Headaches present on average 15 or more days per month, 8 of which are migraines, over a period of 6 months.
Three preventative medications have been unsuccessfully trialled, either due to inadequate benefit or intolerability.
Attempts have been made to reduce acute medication overuse, including analgesia (e.g. Panadeine forte, Mersyndol, Nurofen) or Triptans (e.g. Imigran, Zomig, Relpax, Naramig, Maxalt). This is defined as medication use more than 10 days per month.
Treatment will only be continued if a 50% reduction in headache frequency is achieved after 2 treatment cycles of 12 weeks each.
What Should I Bring to the Appointment and What Can I Expect?
You will need a referral from your doctor requesting assessment for consideration of injection-based therapy. Initially you will be reviewed by the neurologist to determine whether this treatment is appropriate for you. Depending upon the nature of your condition, treatment may be administered on the same day, or a follow up appointment may need to be made to administer it on a different day. The initial appointment will take approximately 40 minutes and follow up appointments approximately 20 minutes.
Chronic migraine treatment involves a total of 31 injections over the forehead, temples, back of the head, neck and shoulders. Other treatments involve fewer injections which are dependent upon the condition. Please do not wear makeup (foundation) if you are having treatment for chronic migraine. If you have long hair, please bring a hair tie for treatment of chronic migraine or cervical dystonia.
The main Sacramento Imaging Laboratory is located on level one of 1765 Challenge Way Suite 130, Sacramento CA 95815 address. Services are available on a walk-in basis from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday; 9 am to 3:30 pm. A physician’s order is required.
Please call 916 905-5363 for more information.
Home Draw Service
Offered by the Home Health department, the Home Draw program is available to anyone who needs to have blood drawn in the convenience of home. There is a $75 fee per visit. Credit cards are accepted. Call 916 905-5363 for more information.
Self-Referring Laboratory Testing
That means you don’t need a doctor’s referral or an appointment to get your blood test/health screening profile completed.
- Results will be sent directly to you, the patient.
- Checks and credit cards accepted at all locations.
- $50 is due at the time of the tests.
Includes: Cholesterol, HDL, LDL Triglycerides, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Carbon Dioxide, BUN, Creatinine, Glucose, Calcium, Phosphorous, Uric Acid, CPK, LDH, GGT, Globulin, Albumin, ALT, AST, Total Protein, Alkaline Phosphatase, Direct Bilirubin, Total Bilirubin, CBC, Iron, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Nonmedical Home Care Can Help Your Senior Loved One
Dad is finishing up his chemotherapy and is a little weak. He could use help with meals and basic housekeeping until he regains his strength.
Mom remains in steady health for her 82 years and wants to stay in the house even though Dad is now gone. But some days she just gets so lonely.
Grandma is in an independent living apartment, but she needs rides to doctor appointments and to get her hair cut and colored. (She’s not giving up her favorite stylist after 40 years!) Grandma also enjoys her weekly outing to bargain shop.
Personal independence is important at any age, but especially for seniors who sometimes feel like they’ve lost other freedoms like driving, traveling alone or entertaining family and friends. With a little extra hand of a trained in-home caregiver, older adults can enjoy their day-to-day activities safely and confidently. A world-leading provider of nonmedical home care, United Home Care also gives family caregivers a respite break and chance to recharge.
With our comprehensive senior care services, United Home Care knows just how to help older adults live well and age well . . .
Why Use Nonmedical Care
Letting elders age in place can bring fear and uncertainty among family members who can’t regularly be on site with their loved one. United Home Care nonmedical home care ensures seniors maintain as much self-sufficiency as possible, while family members remain at ease knowing their senior is receiving personal, trustworthy care. And, all at a price that’s more affordable than care facilities or a visiting nurse.
Our personalized services and timely help include:
bathing and dressing
grocery shopping
light housekeeping
medication reminders
meal planning and preparation
oral and personal hygiene
respite care for family caregivers
Commonly Asked Questions About Nonmedical Care
- How will you find the right caregiver for my senior?
Once you contact us, your local United Home Care Sacramento office begins a personal assessment of your loved one’s specific needs. We set up an initial in-home visit with your senior and your family members and we interact in-depth about what services would work best for what your elder needs. Next, we develop a Custom Care Plan just for your senior and work with you on any modifications. We then search our team of highly trained, bonded/insured caregivers to find the appropriate team member for your loved one. Matching details include your senior’s needs and interests and the relational compatibility of your loved one and our at-home care provider.
- What if my senior only needs a little assistance?
Not a problem at all. We are available for how many hours or days of the week your senior needs extra help. If your loved one only needs assistance with organizing the house and dusting and vacuuming once a week, we’re here to help. If your senior wants a walking companion three times a week, we’re here to help. United Home Care flexible to fit the care that is needed and for how often you prefer.
- If we needed more specialty care, can you offer that?
We can always adjust your loved one’s Custom Care Plan as individual needs change. If your senior is hospitalized, we can provide more specialized nursing care during at-home recovery. If your loved one develops a serious illness or declines in cognitive ability, we would evaluate if your current United Home Care caregiver still is the best fit or whether we should turn to the skilled nursing skills of another well-matched caregiver.
- Are we locked into a long-term service contract?
United Home Care does not lock you into a long-term contract. Our exceptional home care speaks for itself. We can accommodate the type and length of in-home care your loved one needs, whether your family needs a couple hours of respite care or you are looking for multiple weeks of care for your loved one. Contact our office to explore the types of nonmedical services and care plans they may offer.
- How quickly can in-home service start?
Often we can match a home caregiver to your senior’s individual needs and living situation within days of your initial contact with us. While we hesitate to rush and bypass our well-tested process in evaluating the optimum elder care experience for your loved one, we will work with you to make adjustments in more time-sensitive situations. Give us a call, and together we’ll figure out the next best steps for your senior’s continued well-being, safety and contentment.